The UrbanactionsHK competition 2019 is officially closed. A huge congratulation to all the winners, runner ups and nominees!

We received a total of 49 entries from 20 countries, and the juries named the winning teams evaluating the proposals on a scale of 1 to 10 for each of the following categories:

  • Innovation, functionality and quality design of the public space
  • Creative response to the existing site conditions
  • Integration of the new design within the neighbourhood
  • Capacity of the project to reactivate the sociability of the space

The level of the competition was high, and we received several proposals with refreshing concepts and tremendous design quality. However, the winning teams were able to comprehensively address most of the critical questions aroused by the brief. These projects have also shown a strong interest in developing a specific strategy to address the unique conditions of each site.

UrbanactionsHK team would like to thank all the jury members for their invaluable judgment and insight. We also would like to thank all the students who participated in this challenging public space design competition.

Below the list of the winning proposals and the link to see the projects:



1st Prize: Project 0108

Runner Up: Project 0118

Honourable Mention: Project 0111


1st Prize (Ex aequo): Project 0203 / Project 0212

Runner Up: Project 0222


1st Prize: Project 0308

Runner Up: Project 0306

Honourable Mention: Project 0309


1st Prize: Project 0407

Runner Up (Ex aequo): Project 0402 / Project 0416

The winning and runner-up teams respectively receive a prize of 800 US$ and 200 US$. In the case of Ex aequo, the prize will be split equally between teams.

The special mentions will receive an Award Certificate.


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